CET is Central European Time. CET is also a synonym for a whale. The Mixed Use Development CET at the Közraktárak between the Petofi and the Szabadság Bridge is both. The CET concept refers to Budapest as an important metropolitan centre in the heart of Central Europe. The CET shape refers to the smooth and friendly streamlined body of a whale. The new CET development has the potential to put Budapest once again on the map of the world. Name and shape of the CET symbolizes its cultural potential and commercial pole position in one of the best preserved cities in the world.
BIM Experience Award. The project was awarded the Autodesk BIM Experience Award for its use of Building Information Modeling Process for innovative Mass-Customization and File-2-Factory production process.
Site: Kozraktar, Budapest
Client: Porto Investment Hungary Kft., Budapest
Partners : MTM Statika - Lead structural engineering
SMG-SiSu - MEP engineering
Date: 2006
Gross Floor Area: 18500 m2
Parking garage: 7500 m2
Design supervision: Kas Oosterhuis, Ilona Lénárd,
Project architect: Marthijn Pool
Design team: Kas Oosterhuis, Ilona Lénárd, Gijs Joosen, Owen Slootweg, Bas Wijnbeld, Anna Nagy, Bujdosó Attila, Márku Judit, Romvári Péter, Tom Krzempek, Rafael Seemann, Paulina Gurak, Michael Gorczynski, Lidia Badarnah, Jan Gasparik, Petr Vokal.