Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cultural Centre Design | The Arch In Mandal | Norway | 3XN

Historic white wooden houses, charming narrow streets, a river running though the center and beach and forest nearby. The town of Mandal is the essence of southern Norwegian idyll. Danish practice, 3XN, has designed the town's new cultural center, a project which required great sensitivity to the town's special environment.

A House of the People

The cultural center, called “The Arch”, is about creating a common base for the cultural institutions of Mandal. Thus, The Arch contains theater, cinema, concert hall, library, gallery and café, offering activities for all ages of the town's 15,000 inhabitants. “The Arch is a house of the people, so we designed a building that in an elegant and soft motion gathers the town's cultural life, while the modern expression bears witness to a town in development", explains Jan Ammundsen, Partner and Head of Design at 3XN............more
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