Saturday, April 9, 2011
Qingdao Grand Theater | GMP Architekten
Qingdao Grand Theater is situated on the eastern side of the city between a bay in the Yellow Sea and Mount Laoshan (1,130m above sea level). Because of the unique situation of the massif directly by the sea, the Laoshan ridge is often wreathed in cloud, which creates a unique setting. The style of the building echoes the enchanting landscape, with the massif and the lightness of the clouds reflected in the appearance of the opera house. It rises from the landscape like a mountain - and a cloud-like roof seems to wreathe the four buildings. The raised terraces in the surrounding park are reminiscent of a mountain plateau, and take their bearings both from the sea and the mountains. In addition to the opera house, Qingdao Grand Theater also hosts a concert and multifunctional hall, a media center, a hotel, and a conference center.....more