project: ARTFARM
location: Salt Point, New York / USA
Architects: HHF architects + Ai Weiwei
Design team: HERLACH HARTMANN FROMMENWILER & AI WEIWEI with Tom Strub, Fumiko Takahama
Structural engineering: Crawford & Associates, Hudson, NY
Construction management: Crawford & Associates, Hudson, NY
Photos: Iwan Baan
Client: Christophe W. Mao / Chambers Fine Art
Built area: 373m² / 4015 sqft (gross)
Cost: € 250’000
Design phase (beginning and ending month, year): August ’06 - February ‘07
Construction phase (beginning and ending month, year): March ‘07 - June ‘08
Maximum height of the building from ground level: 5.8m
Minimum and maximum temperatures of the site: -25°C to +45°C